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Showing posts from March, 2023

November Is Full Of Holidays Focused On Giving Thanks

 In November we think about giving thanks, but there are other important days on the calendar. November is election month. Our local election was on the 7th, and Republicans in Virginia took a trouncing.  I will give thanks that our governor, now without any legislative support, will not get to track women’s menstrual cycles. Nor will he get his abortion ban. Democrats now control our legislature, and that is a fine thing. Voters across America realize that this election was between the party that wants to take away our rights and the party who wants all citizens to have the right to control their -own lives without governmental interference.  Most Americans know that we, the people, should be in charge of what we do with our bodies and who we love, not politicians. Another - often overshadowed by the others - holiday in the November calendar is Veteran’s Day.  It used to be called Armistice Day, to celebrate the end of WWI and pay homage to the many who gave their lives in that war. W

Fox News Continues To Lie To Its Viewers

 When I started writing this column for The News Virginian, my first column was about insurrection — what it is, how it works, and why it’s a federal crime. This was just after the attack on Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. I never dreamed that I would still be writing about that same treasonous insurrection two years later, but I am. The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Congress began months earlier, with former President Donald Trump constantly telling the public that if he were to lose the upcoming election, it meant the election “was rigged.” Egged on by Fox News, this became his rallying cry for months, hoodwinking many people. The culmination came on Jan. 6, after a speech by Trump telling his supporters to fight, claiming he’d be with them at the Capitol. His supporters went; he did not. His supporters killed six and wounded 114 police officers. I’m writing about it again because many Republicans persist in stating President Joe Biden is not the “real” president, and they keep pushing

Republicans Are Wasting Time With Their Shenanigans

In writing a column reflecting Democratic and Progressive values, I find no shortage of topics: Republicans keep coming up with more and more crazy initiatives and policies; they are currently trying to take away rights to vote, the right to reproductive freedom, the rights of teachers to select curriculum, the rights of librarians to select books. They still support treasonous insurrectionists and the lie that Trump won the 2020 election. There’s so much, and it’s all a toxic mix of delusion and anti-democracy. As my last column warned: Get ready for Republican shenanigans instead of governing now that they have the House majority (barely).  After running for election on issues such as inflation, rising gas prices, and immigration reform (issues that Americans are concerned about), what has the new-Republican majority been up to?  Instead of tackling the real problems Americans face, the new House Oversight Committee, using a broad-based panel called The Weaponization of Government, h

It’s Going To Be A Bumpy Ride With Republicans In Charge Of The House

For Democrats, the year has begun on a high as we watch the continuing implosion of the Republican Party. The chaos within their ranks sharply contrasts the calm, successful governing of the Democrats and the Biden Administration. The expected “Red Tsunami” that was supposed to engulf the nation with substantial Republican gains in the midterm election was a pink fizzle: Republicans hold a razor-thin edge in the House, and they lost the Senate. And they’re bickering amongst themselves. Mainstream media loves to present Democrats in disarray, but it’s the Republican party. Last week we all watched Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy trying desperately to become Speaker of the House vote after vote. After more than four days and 15 ballots, he finally barely got his speakership but has no control or strength in his party. We all watched last week as the Republican Party was held hostage by 20 far-right extremists and 14 members of the obstructionist Freedom Caucus, their stated goal to disman